Clinical Publications

CareMessage is the only patient activation or patient engagement tool that has had published research on improvements in clinical outcomes, conducted by independent academic medical centers.

Implementing texting programs in the P.O.W.E.R. (preventing obesity with eating right) medical group visit for weight loss

Text messaging programs led to more attendance in medical group visits

Text Messaging and Opt-out Mailed Outreach in Colorectal Cancer Screening: a Randomized Clinical Trial

Text messaging with opt-out mailed FIT kit outreach can substantially improve colorectal cancer screening rates in an underserved population


Testing the effectiveness of physical activity advice delivered via text messaging vs. human phone advisors in a Latino population: The On The Move randomized controlled trial design and methods

Increasing use and reach of mobile phones across lower-income and underserved population segments provide the opportunity for physical activity promotion

Food Bank–Based Diabetes Prevention Intervention to Address Food Security, Dietary Intake, and Physical Activity in a Food-Insecure Cohort at High Risk for Diabetes

Significant improvements in food bank client food security status, physical activity, and depression scores

Improved Diabetes Care Management Through a Text-Message Intervention for Low-Income Patients: Mixed-Methods Pilot Study

Text-messaging program provided instrumental and emotional support for participants with diabetes at two FQHCs, and was associated with clinically meaningful improvements in HbA1c

Text messaging approach improves weight loss in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized study

Text messaging approach improved weight loss in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and decreased ALT levels

Text-Messaging to Support Diabetes Self-Management in a Rural Health Clinic: A Quality Improvement Project

Among rural patients with diabetes, implementation of text-messaging interventions to promote diabetes self-management was effective in lowering the mean FSBG level